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LV Plastic Surgery LV Plastic Surgery

The nipples are an important part of the appearance and aesthetic of the breasts. Natural differences in nipple size, shape and projection are seen from woman to woman. While each woman’s appearance is unique and can be celebrated, women who are unhappy with the size of larger nipples and wider areolas may feel embarrassed or self-conscious about their breasts.

Dr. Brian Parker offers nipple and areola reduction surgery for women who would like to reduce the size of their nipples and areola.

What is nipple and areola reduction surgery?

Nipple and areola reduction is a surgical procedure designed to decrease nipple projection, enhance the shape of the nipples, and reduce the size of the areola. Nipple and areola reduction surgery achieves a youthful, more attractive nipple appearance that compliments the appeal of the breasts, improving confidence, fit in clothing, and overall breast symmetry and beauty.

What are the benefits of nipple and areola reduction surgery?

Many benefits are achieved with nipple and areola reduction surgery for patients, including the following:

  • Achieves an appealing, aesthetically-pleasing nipple shape and size
  • Short procedure time
  • Can often be done without the need for general anesthesia
  • Achieves flatter, less puffy areola
  • Creates smaller, rounder, and more youthful-looking areola
  • Achieves symmetrical, balanced nipples
  • Shortens and uptilts long, drooping nipples
  • Short recovery time
  • Provides a better appearance in clothing
  • Improves self-confidence and self-esteem


During your recovery, you will experience some discomfort and numbness in your nipples. We will provide an antibiotic ointment to use on your nipples as you heal. You will need to change your bandages and apply this ointment daily.

Bruising and swelling will resolve within 1-2 weeks. Once you’re feeling comfortable to do so, you may return to work. This may be as soon as the next day, or it may require 2-3 days. Wait for three weeks until you resume any strenuous activity.

Why choose Dr. Parker?

Dr. Brian J. Parker is an acclaimed plastic surgeon who is known for his expertise and authority as a breast surgeon. His reputation as a trusted surgeon was earned by deeply satisfying patients who put their important breast procedures in his skillful hands and were thrilled with the aesthetic results. Using his considerable experience and high level of training, Dr. Parker evaluates the individual goals and breasts of each of his patients to understand what they want to achieve with nipple and areola reduction, then uses his artistic touch to ensure he successfully provides that. Call today for a consultation.

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