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Drooping eyelids can be a cause for concern for various reasons. They can make us feel older than we actually are and even impact our field of vision. Thankfully, there are now treatments available that can address this issue. Upneeq is an innovative new topical method that can rejuvenate the upper facial region.

What is Upneeq?

A non-invasive and FDA-approved treatment, Upneeq is designed to address a condition known as eyelid ptosis. Rather than involving surgery or dermal fillers, Upneeq accomplishes this by using eye drops. Patients walk away from Upneeq treatments with a younger look in the upper face and a more attractive smile. Some patients notice improvements in a matter of minutes following the treatment.

What are the benefits of Upneeq eye drops?

  • A simple, safe, FDA-approved procedure
  • Lifts sagging eyelids
  • Rejuvenates the face, making it look more visually appealing
  • Improves one’s vision by addressing sagging eyelids
  • Reverses signs of aging in the face
  • The results show up almost instantaneously
  • There is no discomfort or downtime

Who is an ideal candidate for Upneeq?

Whether caused by the natural aging process or a genetic trait, drooping eyelids can be a very frustrating condition, and patients will naturally seek out ways to solve it. The development of eyelid ptosis can also be connected to cataract surgery, frequent contact lens use, and certain health conditions.

Upneeq eye drops are considered to be the ideal treatment option for those who want to address eyelid ptosis without having to deal with the potential risks, pain, scars, and downtime that are often associated with plastic surgery.

How does Upneeq work?

Upneeq is specifically designed to address a condition known as blepharoptosis weakening and drooping of the upper eyelids. Upneeq is an alpha-adrenergic agonist infused with oxymetazoline hydrochloride ophthalmic solution, 0.1%. Oxymetazoline. This agent causes the Muller’s muscle in the upper eyelid to contract, resulting in a pronounced lift. Data shows that the eyedrops can result in a lift of anywhere from 1 to 3 millimeters.

How to prepare for the procedure

As with any procedure, the first step is for patients to meet with the practitioner to discuss the details of the treatment and their expectations. It is vital that the liquid be clear before being applied. Patients with contact lenses must remove them before applying the eye drops. They can be put back in place after 15 minutes.

What is the treatment process like?

Upneeq works the same as any other eye drops. The patient leans their heads back and keeps their eyes open while the dropper is held directly above the eye. After the drops are applied (one at a time) the patient can close their eyes to allow the formula to be absorbed.

When do results show up?

Changes are usually perceivable within a matter of minutes or hours.

Is There Any Downtime?

There is no downtime with Upneeq. Patients must wait at least 15 minutes after undergoing the treatment before getting behind the wheel of a car.

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